About ACRU Staff

The American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) is dedicated to defending the constitutional rights of all Americans. ACRU stands against harmful, anti-constitutional ideologies that have taken hold in our nation’s courts, culture, and bureaucracies. We defend and promote free speech, religious liberty, the Second Amendment, and national sovereignty.

Amb. Ken Blackwell Interview – Scrapping the Filibuster? – O’Connor & Company

Amb. Ken Blackwell, Chair of the America First Policy Institute (AFPI) Center for Election Integrity and previously was Ohio’s Secretary of State, joined WMAL's "O'Connor and Company" radio program about Senate Democrats attempting to scrap the filibuster over progressive voting legislation.

2023-03-05T19:49:00+00:00January 28th, 2022|Elections, News|

DeSantis Aims to Fix Failure to Prosecute Florida Election Crimes

In just the 2018 and 2020 federal elections, election officials in just nine large Florida counties made over 150 election crime referrals to county prosecutors. Guess how many were prosecuted? You’d be right if you guessed zero.

2023-03-05T19:49:01+00:00January 28th, 2022|Elections, News, Voter ID|

RNC Warns: ‘Freedom to Cheat Act’ Will ‘Eviscerate’ Voter ID

Republican leaders warned against the latest Democrat push for federal election reform on Tuesday, pointing specifically to bill measures about voter ID and same-day voter registration.

BREAKING: Supreme Court Rules on Biden’s Vaccine Mandates

The Supreme Court ruled Thursday to strike down President Joe Biden's Wuhan coronavirus vaccine mandate for private businesses. Justices upheld his executive order requiring vaccination for healthcare workers at facilities receiving federal funding.

2023-03-05T19:49:02+00:00January 13th, 2022|Crisis Tyrants, News|

ACRU’s Roman Discusses Efforts to Protect Vulnerable Voters with Cleta Mitchell on Who’s Counting Podcast

In the run-up to the 2020 elections, American Constitutional Rights Union created an important outreach program to senior citizens and senior residential facilities that brought attention to fraud, voter manipulation, and undue influence in voting by political operatives and facilities staff. Truly a form of elderly abuse, many cases of stolen and manipulated senior ballots have been reported to ACRU as it continues its important project and expands to other groups of vulnerable voters. Cleta and Lori discuss what actions seniors themselves, their families, facility directors, election officials, state legislators, and most importantly — concerned citizens — can take to ensure the authenticity and integrity of every senior vote.

Merrick Garland Announces Department of Justice Will Try to Block Texas’ Redistricting Plan

These United States are in the midst of creating new Congressional maps for the 2022 election. Things don’t look great for the Democrats. Not only did core Democrat states lose population because large numbers of their citizens voted with their feet, but those citizens also ended up in Red States. Making matters worse for the Democrats, in 23 states, the GOP controls the state legislature and the governor’s mansion. The Democrats only have that advantage in 14 states. So while Illinois Democrats can rejoice at forcing arch-conservative Adam Kinzinger from office, Texas gains two seats.

2023-03-05T19:49:03+00:00December 9th, 2021|Elections, Front Page, News|

Fraud? What Fraud? PA Election Officials Caught on Video Destroying Election Records

Nightly news anchors dutifully repeating identical mantras of “baseless claims of election fraud” is telling. Every election is rife with fraud — the only variable is how much. A lawsuit against former Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, Delaware County, the Delaware County Board of Elections, and more than a dozen individual election officials is backed by video evidence of election officials illegally destroying election records. It’s time to demand strict adherence to the most simple concept of “easy to vote, hard to cheat.” We deserve better.

2023-03-05T19:49:04+00:00November 22nd, 2021|Elderly Voting, Elections, News, Voting Fraud News, Vulnerable Voters|

2020 Swing State Lawsuit: Nearly 26,000 Dead People Allegedly Found on Voter Rolls, Almost 4,000 Dead for 20 Years

An election integrity watchdog group has filed a lawsuit against Michigan’s secretary of state over allegations that tens of thousands of deceased residents have yet to be cleared from the state’s voter rolls. Yeah, this is kind of why Americans find it easy to believe that our elections could get rigged, people.

2023-03-05T19:49:04+00:00November 17th, 2021|Elderly Voting, Elections, News, Voting Fraud News, Vulnerable Voters|

Kleefisch Sues Wisconsin Elections Commission For Breaking The Law

Wisconsin’s former Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch filed a lawsuit with the state Supreme Court on Monday against the Wisconsin Elections Commission for breaking state laws in the 2020 cycle.

2023-03-05T19:49:04+00:00November 17th, 2021|Elections, Front Page, News|
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