SCOTUS Blocks Lower Court Rulings in Michigan and Ohio Gerrymandering Cases
5/24: The Supreme Court blocked lower court rulings in Michigan and Ohio gerrymandering cases, pending their ruling as to whether partisan gerrymandering is constitutional.
5/24: The Supreme Court blocked lower court rulings in Michigan and Ohio gerrymandering cases, pending their ruling as to whether partisan gerrymandering is constitutional.
5/23: The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which liberals are pushing in every state in the union, would be terrible for rural Americans, erasing their voice in most elections.
5/23: Attorney General Mark Brnovich announced that his office had accepted a $500,000 federal grant to create a voter fraud investigation unit.
5/23: Sangamon County will now mail all voter ID cards to voters' listed addresses, removing voters from the register if their cards are returned as "undeliverable".
5/22: Nevada's legislature passing a National Popular Vote bill could have major consequences in the coming elections because of Nevada's role as a swing state.
5/22: Georgia has taken steps to ensure election integrity by joining Electronic Registration Information Center.
5/22: Though Florida has be plagued with election fraud woes, lawmakers keep hesitating about joining Electronic Registration Information Center.
5/22: Florida's Republican-controlled legislature will not join Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC).
5/22: Nevada has joined states trying to overthrow the electoral college by voting National Popular Vote legislation through to the governor.
5/22: A bill promoting automatic voter registration could hurt the election integrity of Wisconsin.