RNC Warns: ‘Freedom to Cheat Act’ Will ‘Eviscerate’ Voter ID

Republican leaders warned against the latest Democrat push for federal election reform on Tuesday, pointing specifically to bill measures about voter ID and same-day voter registration.

Vote collection mobiles should be relegated to bad Saturday Night Live skits

This is one of those moments when there’s not much we can say other than, “click, look at the picture, and ask, ‘what can possibly go wrong?’” Not to offend modern day VW owners, but the original Volkswagen was a product of fascism. This Philadelphia "voteswagen" plays right back into that history of tyrannical government trampling liberty by making a mockery of safe and secure elections. With wheels.

Democratic Organizations Push for Same-Day Voting in Massachusetts

6/5: ACLU, Common Cause, and the League of Women Voters are among the Democratic coalitions pushing for Massachusetts to adopt legislation that would allow for election day registration.

2020-05-03T23:30:14+00:00June 5th, 2019|News, Same-Day Registration|
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