ACRU Policy Board Member Col. Allen B. West expresses ACRU’s support for Texas lawsuit demanding state legislative authority over election protocols be upheld
“The lawsuit filed by Texas against Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin is needed to protect the American electoral process from executive and judicial actions that usurp the constitutional powers of state legislators. ACRU encourages principled leaders across the country to join Texas in the fight against assaults on election integrity and the Constitution.”
Honestly conducted elections, with each American’s vote counting once, is the foundation of a nation whose Constitution begins “We the People…”
The government derives its legitimacy from free and fair elections and is bound by them. Vote fraud cuts at the very heart of American freedom. When an illegal vote is cast and counted, it cancels out the legal vote of a lawful citizen. (Watch the undercover videos).
In recent years, close elections and news of vote fraud have awakened Americans to the importance of protecting the integrity of the ballot box.
This site is a one-stop shop about voting requirements in every state, current state efforts to strengthen ballot integrity and the push-back from the Left.
Get involved — help prevent vote fraud from stealing your most precious civil right!
ACRU is dedicated to protecting seniors from vote fraud. Through our Protect Elderly Votes project, we created “Stranger Danger” to warn seniors and those caring for them to take steps to protect their ballots. If you suspect vote fraud, call ACRU’s Vote Fraud Hotline at 877-730-ACRU (2278). NEVER LET A STRANGER TOUCH YOUR BALLOT!
Listen to our new radio ads to learn more.
ACRU Commentary
Von Spakovsky: Texas Gets Election Reform Right, Mainstream Media Gets It Wrong
The Texas Legislature passed the state’s election reform package, SB 1, designed to protect voters by fixing vulnerabilities in the registration and election system. This happened only when Democrats finally returned to the state after fleeing to the nation’s capital in May to avoid the special session called by Gov. Greg Abbott.
Hans von Spakovsky: Texas Democrats’ outrageous claims about election reforms have no connection to reality
Texas Democrats held a press conference on Friday in Alexandria, Va., across the Potomac River from the nation’s capital, to continue their lies about the election reforms being proposed in the special session of the Texas legislature called by Gov. Greg Abbott. The session has been unable to start because they fled the state, denying a quorum in the legislature. As I have already explained in a previous op-ed for Fox News, the misleading and outrageous claims they have made and that they repeated at the press conference about the reforms have no connection whatsoever to reality.
Media Availability: Supreme Court Turned the Tide in Election Integrity War
American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) Policy Board member, Ken Blackwell has written an op ed which explains how the DNC failed to hijack the Voting Rights Act of 1965 when the Supreme Court in Brnovich v. DNC laid a foundation to restore Americans’ confidence in their elections so that everywhere in this nation it can be easy to vote, but hard to cheat.
Blackwell: Supreme Court Turned the Tide in Election Integrity War
Election integrity recently won a pivotal battle against an attempt by Democrats to hijack the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA) for partisan reasons. They failed when the Supreme Court in Brnovich v. DNC laid a foundation to restore Americans’ confidence in their elections so that everywhere in this nation it can be easy to vote, but hard to cheat.
Ken Blackwell Appears on Real American to Discuss Voting Rights Laws
Real America - Dan with Member of the Presidential Commission on Election Integrity & Former Senior Transition Official for President Trump, Ken Blackwell
ACRU Amicus Brief Supports Supreme Court Arizona Voting Integrity Policy Win
With the recent successful filibuster blocking Senate consideration of the so-called “For the People Act,” the Supreme Court’s decision in Brnovich takes on added importance. By reversing the Ninth Circuit’s decision, as The ACRU argued it should, Arizona’s race-neutral, generally applicable election rules limiting out-of-precinct voting and ballot harvesting will stand without any danger of preemption by federal statute.
Latest Election News
Florida Capital Star: Are election volunteers “helping” themselves to others’ votes?
Sometimes vote fraud happens from a distance (absentee or mailed ballots) and sometimes it’s up-close and personal. In Florida’s Miami-Dade County, the State Attorney is looking into reports of a large up-tick in volunteers from campaigns and city government “helping” the elderly or disabled to vote. In other parts of Florida, only 1 percent of voters need assistance, but in Miami-Dade that number is above 10 percent. Two-thirds of the helpers were city or campaign workers – were they assisting with votes or manipulating them?
Grand jury indicts 8 North Carolinians for voter fraud
Eight people have been indicted by a grand jury for voter fraud in a North Carolina county following an investigation by the state Board of Elections, a prosecutor said.
Hans von Spakovsky: Election Law Landscape in Constant Flux Ahead of Midterms
In 2020, we saw more lawsuits filed over election laws and rule changes than in any prior year of American history. And with the congressional midterms fast approaching, litigation and other developments just keep coming.
Wisconsin and Pennsylvania Supreme Courts Set to Rule on Voting Laws
The Supreme Courts in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania will hear cases involving voting laws the states implemented ahead of the 2020 presidential election.
Amb. Ken Blackwell Interview – Scrapping the Filibuster? – O’Connor & Company
Amb. Ken Blackwell, Chair of the America First Policy Institute (AFPI) Center for Election Integrity and previously was Ohio’s Secretary of State, joined WMAL's "O'Connor and Company" radio program about Senate Democrats attempting to scrap the filibuster over progressive voting legislation.
PDF Download: Defending Honest Elections in America