By Hans von Spakovsky (ACRU Policy Board member) and Brandon Johnson
Despite being only six months into 2015, there have already been a slew of sometimes bizarre stories about voter fraud across the country. They show just how far some people will go to cheat the system. Here are a few of the most outlandish stories:
1. Madison County, Ga.
Mohammad Shafiq of Madison County, Georgia, was none too happy with Madison County sheriff candidate Clayton Lowe.
So Shafiq started campaigning for the other candidate by submitting fraudulent voter registration cards supposedly for new voters, apparently intending to eventually vote under those registrations.
When the fraud was detected, he coerced a couple to sign affidavits falsely saying they had registered themselves.
He was charged with two counts of voter identification fraud, two counts of perjury, and three counts of tampering with evidence.
He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 10 years probation and a fine of $6,750.