Voter Laws and Registration Deadlines

You must:

  • Be a citizen of the United States
  • Be a citizen of Alabama and your county at the time of registration
  • Be 18 years old before any election
  • Not have been convicted of a felony punishable by imprisonment in the penitentiary (or have had your civil and political rights restored)
  • Not currently be declared mentally incompetent through a competency hearing
  • NON-STRICT PHOTO ID REQUIRED — valid photo identification must be shown when voting at polling place or by absentee ballot, unless exempted by law. Those without a photo ID shall be allowed to cast a regular ballot if the individual is positively identified by two election officials as a voter on the poll list who is eligible to vote and both of the election officials sign a sworn affidavit so stating.
  • NO Early Voting

Registration Deadline: Voter registration is closed during the ten days preceding an election. Applications must be postmarked or delivered by the eleventh day prior to the election

State Election Information

State Legislature Page

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