Florida Joins Electronic Registration Information Center
8/21: Florida has joined the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), a 29-state compact designed to help states keep voter rolls clean.
8/21: Florida has joined the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), a 29-state compact designed to help states keep voter rolls clean.
8/21: After months of delays, Florida has decided to join the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), which will help keep the state's elections secure.
8/20: California lawmakers are working to pass a number of bills, all of which would grant released felons the right to vote before they completed their parole.
8/20: The Public Interest Legal Foundation reported that nearly 60% of counties in America have more registered voters than eligible voters on their rolls.
8/20: Though many on the left tried to impugn the president's claims that Google had manipulated votes, the facts are on the president's side.
8/19: In the freest nation in the world, our system of government and our very liberty depend on free and fair elections.
8/18: ACRU Policy Board Member Hans von Spakovsky outlines why election integrity is essential to free elections and how to keep our elections safe.
8/15: Though non-partisan redistricting via commission is billed as fair, the result is underpopulated districts and chaos.
8/15: A federal judge ruled that Georgia didn't need paper ballots for the 2019 elections, but must have them by the 2020 presidential elections.
8/15: Both Assembly Constitutional Amendment 4 and Assembly Constitutional Amendment 8 propose lowering the voter age in California to 17.