WSJ: Eric Holder’s 2014 Racial Politics

"For Eric Holder, American racial history is frozen in the 1960s," according to a Wall Street Journal editorial. "The Supreme Court ruled in June that a section of the 1965 Voting Rights Act is no longer justified due to racial progress, but the U.S. Attorney General has launched a campaign to undo the decision state-by-state. His latest target is North Carolina, which he seems to think is run from the grave by the early version of George Wallace."

2020-05-03T23:26:58+00:00October 9th, 2013|ACRU Commentary, Early Voting|

Are Minorities Too Dumb to Get an ID?

Attacking North Carolina's new voter ID law as the "harshest voter suppression law in the nation," the ACLU's North Carolina chapter saluted the U.S. Justice Department for filing a lawsuit on Sept. 30 challenging the law. Like Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr., the ACLU considers minorities haplessly incompetent at the monumental task of acquiring IDs. The Justice Department's lawsuit claims that minority voters are less likely to have common photo IDs and that shortening the early voting period would also disproportionately affect minorities.

2020-05-03T23:37:01+00:00October 4th, 2013|ACRU Commentary, Early Voting, Voter ID|

For Those Who Don’t Believe in Election Fraud

"Yes, the Rizzo-Royster race turned on vote fraud," admitted the Kansas City Star's Barbara Shelly in a crow-eating column nearly three years after it would do any good. For years the Star has routinely mocked anyone who dared suggest vote fraud was a problem.... What follows is a letter from a young Democrat who observed the process up close. The letter details the various tools Democrats use to steal elections and kill would-be Democratic reformers in the womb. It is edited only for length and clarity.

2020-05-03T23:20:39+00:00September 24th, 2013|ACRU Commentary, Vote Fraud|

Holder: Feds Will Sue over Voter ID, but Not over Weed

Mississippi columnist Sid Salter: Seems U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is fully prepared to sue Southern states over Voter ID laws, but is not willing to sue Colorado and Washington in their efforts to legalize and regulate recreational marijuana. Holder's logic is apparently that while states should have lots of leeway on how they deal with enforcement of federal laws against smoking and selling weed, states should not have that same leeway when it comes to efforts to fight perceived voter fraud.

2020-05-03T23:35:18+00:00September 4th, 2013|ACRU Commentary, Vote Fraud, Voter ID|

Meet the Radical DOJ Lawyers Suing Texas over Voter ID

PJ Media has already reported the long progressive histories of the radical lawyers in the Voting Section, including those who authored the complaint against Texas. A refresher from ACRU Policy Board member J. Christian Adams: Meredith Bell-Platts comes from the ACLU's Voting Rights Project. Anna Baldwin is a former field coordinator for Equality Florida and was a member of Harvard's "Queer Resistance Front." Daniel Freeman was a fellow at the New York Civil Liberties Union and an intern for the ACLU.

2020-05-03T23:35:18+00:00August 27th, 2013|ACRU Commentary, Voter ID|

What the Media Won’t Tell about North Carolina’s New Voter ID Law

Here's a question for the media from Newsbusters' Kevin Mooney: "If it's racist to ask voters for a form of identification at their polling place, why isn't it then racist to also ask for identification before stepping inside a plane, or into a federal building, filling out a job application or opening up a bank account? "That's an obvious question that the Los Angeles Times has declined to ask so far."

2020-05-03T23:35:18+00:00August 26th, 2013|ACRU Commentary, Voter ID|
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