The Voter Fraud that ‘Never Happens’ Keeps Coming Back

Critics of voter ID and other laws cracking down on voter fraud claim they're unnecessary because fraud is nonexistent, likening it to being struck by lightning. Well, lightning is suddenly all over Cincinnati, Ohio. The Hamilton County Board of Elections is investigating 19 possible cases of alleged voter fraud that occurred when Ohio was a focal point of the 2012 presidential election. A total of 19 voters and nine witnesses are part of the probe.

2020-05-03T23:37:03+00:00February 12th, 2013|ACRU Commentary, Vote Fraud, Voter ID|

How to Neutralize the Left’s Anti-Voter ID Campaign

Opinion by the Washington Examiner's Sean Higgins: In describing how Minnesota liberals were able to defeat a voter ID ballot proposal last year that initially appeared to be able to pass, Patrick Caldwell highlights the arguments that appeared to win the day -- arguments which voter ID advocates ought to be able to knock down next time if they make the effort.

2020-05-03T23:35:19+00:00February 1st, 2013|ACRU Commentary, Voter ID|

Opinion: The Left’s Ongoing Assault on Election Integrity

Robert Knight: If you think the left is resting on its laurels after Barack Obama's re-election and the Democrats' retention of the U.S. Senate, think again. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., who halted photo ID laws in South Carolina and Texas before the November election, has suggested that the United States should consider adopting "automatic" voter registration.

2020-05-03T23:38:10+00:00December 14th, 2012|ACRU Commentary, Automatic Registration, Voter ID|

Snap, Crackle, Pop: How the Left Smeared Voter ID

The Left's vicious all-out assault on electoral integrity this past election cycle was largely funded by the nation's most radical labor union and the man who brought you Rice Krispies. The Battle Creek, Michigan-based W.K. Kellogg Foundation funneled a staggering $5.2 million in grants to the Applied Research Center (ARC), which churned out a steady stream of propaganda aimed at convincing Americans it's somehow racist to require photo ID from a voter, Media Trackers Ohio reports.

2020-05-03T23:35:20+00:00December 5th, 2012|ACRU Commentary, Voter ID|

Opinion: Left Likes Fuzzy Math on Election Day

Robert Knight: From Republican Rep. Allen B. West's improbable recount loss in South Florida, to reports of voting-machine irregularities, to the hundreds of precincts in Ohio and Pennsylvania that reported a virtual 100 percent vote for Barack Obama and zero for Mr. Romney, something is clearly wrong. Read more: KNIGHT: Left likes fuzzy math on Election Day - Washington Times Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

2020-05-03T23:26:58+00:00November 26th, 2012|ACRU Commentary, Early Voting|

Opinion: When Political Speech Comes Under Fire

John Fund in National Review: An unnamed private family foundation paid for 145 billboards in Ohio and Wisconsin. The boards featured a picture of a judge's gavel and a simple message: "Voter Fraud Is a Felony -- up to 3 and a half years and a $10,000 fine." That's it. But liberal activist groups went into frenzy mode, claiming the billboards were part of a voter-suppression scheme, so the billboards' owner, Clear Channel, is removing the signs.

2020-05-03T23:38:10+00:00October 29th, 2012|ACRU Commentary, Vote Fraud, Voter ID|
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