Mandatory Voter Registration: How Universal Registration Threatens Electoral Integrity
(March 27, 2013) Mandatory voter registration (MVR), previously termed “universal” [...]
(March 27, 2013) Mandatory voter registration (MVR), previously termed “universal” [...]
The Voting Rights Act makes it illegal in many states to draw House-district lines without regard to outcomes.
Most Americans still assume the institutions, firms and foundations that [...]
The George Soros-funded Advancement Project, a radical left-wing group, is [...]
Read this Capital Research Center report to learn why the [...]
ACRU Policy Board member Hans von Spakovsky and Alex Ingram [...]
ACRU Policy Board member J. Christian Adams explains in a [...]
See the legal analysis for why photo ID is needed [...]
Read the Capital Research Center report on monopolizing the narrative [...]
Key recommendations that make the case for voter photo ID