Project Veritas’ American Pravda, CNN Part 3
A CNN producer is caught on camera calling the American people "stupid."
A CNN producer is caught on camera calling the American people "stupid."
“The Russia thing is just a big nothing burger.”-- CNN political analyst Van Jones
Russian narrative is being driven by ratings and profits, a producer admits.
Cases involve voter ID, early voting, same-day registration, and out-of-precinct voting.
Fox News' Tucker Carlson speaks on May 30, 2017 with [...]
In some Virginia jurisdictions, the number of people registered to vote exceeds the number of citizens eligible to vote.
THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary FOR IMMEDIATE [...]
The Elections Performance Index, or EPI, is the first comprehensive [...]
Streamed live on Apr 4, 2017 The EAC public hearing [...]
(March 27, 2013) Mandatory voter registration (MVR), previously termed “universal” [...]