- Make sure you are registered to vote, and then VOTE!
- Help friends, family and like-minded neighbors get registered to vote. They can find out how at ChampionTheVote.org.
- Volunteer to work in a voter registration drive — check with your local church or civic group to find out when and where.
- Help verify voter registration lists and look for fraud through TrueTheVote.org.
- You can report suspected vote fraud to your local or state election board.
- Volunteer to help your favorite candidate by making phone calls or canvassing neighborhoods.
- Volunteer with your local party to be an election official or a poll watcher.
- On election day, volunteer to drive friends and family to the polls or to watch their children while they go to vote.
- Check out VotingIntegrityInstitute.org to find out if your state has a photo ID law. If it doesn’t, urge your legislators to enact one!
Citizen Call to ActionACRU Staff2016-07-27T13:25:45+00:00