On a host of electoral integrity issues, the liberal position can be summarized in two words: enable cheating. You think that’s too harsh?

How else to explain the race-baiting rhetoric from President Obama on down against something as common-sense as voter photo ID laws, which the public supports by wide margins? Or the intense drive for Election Day registration, mail-in voting and earlier and earlier balloting, all of which make it harder to detect and prevent vote fraud? Or the opposition to any law ensuring that only citizens can vote?

A case in point of the latter is the Obama administration’s stiff-arming of two states that want to require proof of U.S. citizenship in order to register to vote. Kansas and Arizona, which already require proof of citizenship on state election forms, asked the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) to include a requirement for proof of citizenship on the federal form.

Backed by the Obama Justice Department, the EAC declined. The two states sued, won in U.S. District Court, but saw the verdict overturned in the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Now, the case is heading for the U.S. Supreme Court.

In a brief submitted this past week asking the court to take the case, the provided key evidence — federal voter registration forms — exposing the shocking ease with which noncitizens can register to vote without any proof of citizenship.

Read more of ACRU Senior Fellow Robert Knight’s Washington Times column.