Election Reform — FL Gov. Ron DeSantis Press Conference in Palm Beach, FL
REPLAY: FL Gov. Ron DeSantis Press Conference in Palm Beach, FL 11/3/21
REPLAY: FL Gov. Ron DeSantis Press Conference in Palm Beach, FL 11/3/21
Last week, the Racine County, Wisconsin sheriff’s office held a 75-minute press conference to announce the results of their investigation into absentee voting at residential care facilities. As reported here, the press conference showed that the Wisconsin Election Commission illegally directed municipalities not to “use the Special Voting Deputy process to service residents in care facilities,” but instead to “transmit absentee ballots to those voters by mail.”
Last Thursday, the Racine County, Wisconsin sheriff’s office held an hour-long press conference detailing the results of an investigation into a complaint the office received of potential violations of state election law. While leftist media ignored the story, the investigation revealed both blatant violations of state law by election officials and detailed evidence of voter fraud by stealing elderly Americans’ votes.
The American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) points to the shocking case in Racine, Wisconsin asmore proof that abuse of elderly and vulnerable voters is a nationwide problem. ACRU is the nation’s leading advocate for the protection of vulnerable voters.
Susan couldn't believe what she was hearing. Client after client, developmentally disabled person after developmentally disabled person all told the same story: Their vote was stolen from them.
The Racine County Sheriff’s Office announced in a Thursday morning news conference that it has identified eight cases of what it believes to be election fraud at a Mount Pleasant nursing home.
WATCH: Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling will unveil on Thursday, Oct. 28 the results of an extensive investigation regarding possible election law violations throughout Racine County and Wisconsin.
Nearly a year has passed since the 2020 election, yet there has not been a clear, satisfactory answer to the central mystery: How did a dull, declining Joe Biden manage to get more than 81 million votes and win the presidency?
Today, the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) wrote letters to election officials in all 50 states regarding the guidance issued by the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division on state election audits and a state’s return to pre-COVID election procedures. The Foundation informed election officials that the DOJ has overstated their power and that PILF has offered to help states fight back against this DOJ abuse of power. This overreach by DOJ is not surprising considering that the Department is being run by Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Pamela Karlan, an ideological extremist with a long history of partisan enforcement of civil rights laws and Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke who has exhibited hostility toward equal enforcement of voting laws.
First, this public service announcement: There is no voter fraud in U.S. elections. Thank you for your attention. A California man was discovered asleep in his car in the parking lot of a 7-Eleven store in Torrance with drugs, cash, and several drivers’ licenses, according to ABC7. Oh… I nearly forgot. There were about 300 unopened recall election ballots in the car.