California Has Registered Almost One Million Ineligible Voters
7/11: Election Integrity Project California (EIPCa) reports that California has automatically registered nearly one million people who are ineligible to vote in America.
7/11: Election Integrity Project California (EIPCa) reports that California has automatically registered nearly one million people who are ineligible to vote in America.
7/11: RealClear Politics found that there are more people registered to vote in counties across America than there are eligible voters.
7/10: Election officials in Washington are concerned that the state's new voter registration database won't be ready for the August primaries, which may result in incorrect ballots.
7/8: The Democratic district attorney race may be decided by how a dozen voters filled out provisional ballots.
7/8: Nevada will allow Democratic primary caucus voters to use their phones to vote, in a bid to increase voter turnout.
7/6: North Carolina has to address election integrity concerns before the 2020 presidential elections.
7/5: After the Democratic primary for district attorney in Queens was plagued with fraud charges, the borough is considering a manual recount of all ballots.
7/4: Hoboken Housing Authority Vice Chair James Sanford is pushing other chairs to sign a pledge against voter fraud.
7/4: ACRU Policy Board Member Hans von Spakovsky explains why the Left lies about what the citizenship question would mean on the 2020 census.
7/4: The 14th amendment to the Constitution could offer President Trump the legal reasoning he needs to include the citizenship question on the 2020 census without going against the SCOTUS ruling.