Maine Democrats Pushing Automatic Voter Registration Bill
6/10: Democrats in Maine are hoping to have automatic voter registration up and running in the state by 2022.
6/10: Democrats in Maine are hoping to have automatic voter registration up and running in the state by 2022.
6/10: Attorney General Mark Brnovich announced the state has budgeted for four voter fraud investigators.
6/8: The Justice Department wrote a letter claiming that liberal groups are using fake news to influence the Supreme Court's decision on the 2020 Census case.
6/8: Democratic voter protection director Brandon Peters told party members that they needed to prepare for a possible recount in the 2020 election.
6/7: Governor Ron DeSantis signed a bill that would make it more difficult for citizen signatures to get legislature on ballots.
6/7: Attorney General Mark Brnovich announced that the state had allocated $530,000 for voter fraud investigations.
6/7: Prager University founder Dennis Prager sat down for an interview about the voting issues that will most affect conservatives in the upcoming elections.
6/7: Former Florida Gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum claims he'll continue his "flip Florida blue" tour in spite of federal investigators looking into his campaign finances.
6/7: Coloradans Vote, a group pushing for a repeal of the National Popular Vote Act, says they are halfway to gathering the signatures required that would put their repeal on the 2020 ballot.
6/7: Democrats in D.C. and those running for President have decided that affording voting rights to incarcerated felons is the issue du jour.