Is the Electoral College Doomed?
Ten states, plus the District of Columbia, have already joined the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.
Ten states, plus the District of Columbia, have already joined the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.
In the 21-state sample, 15,000 people used prohibited addresses, such as UPS stores or U.S. Post Office boxes.
For example, AmeriCorps workers came to New Hampshire and claimed a public park as their home address.
This means that the voter ID law will be in effect for state elections in November.
So, Democrats would shut down Congress to keep a blue-ribbon panel from studying our election process?
If the popular vote system had been in place in 2016, Hillary Clinton would have been elected.
"The existence of the 2-year-old database has hardly been a secret."
The Justice Department is now siding with Ohio in its legitimate efforts to clean up its voter rolls.
Throwing out the entire law, Ramos blatantly ignored the 5th Circuit’s directive.
"Millions of deceased individuals remain registered."