RNC Warns: ‘Freedom to Cheat Act’ Will ‘Eviscerate’ Voter ID

Republican leaders warned against the latest Democrat push for federal election reform on Tuesday, pointing specifically to bill measures about voter ID and same-day voter registration.

Media Availability: MLB All-Star Game Raises Stark Reminder of Dangers of Corporate “Wokeness”

American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) Policy Board member and Cincinnati Red shareholder, Ken Blackwell, notes that Major League Baseball's switch of the All-Star game from Atlanta to Denver was based on the falsehood that Georgia voting laws are “suppressive.” Ken explains voting safety measures protect ALL VOTERS—including minority voters.

American Constitutional Rights Union Celebrates SCOTUS Decision Protecting Election Integrity

The American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) applauds a 6-3 ruling of the Supreme Court re-affirming states’ authority to manage their own elections and protect the integrity of their residents’ most fundamental right — voting. ACRU submitted an amicus brief in support of Arizona’s voting integrity measures. “Free and fair elections is a fundamental principle we must protect,” notes ACRU President Lori Roman. “Why does the left continue to oppose the basic election integrity tenet of ‘Easy to vote, hard to cheat?’ We’re pleased the Supreme Court has taken a stand to preserve one of our most fundamental rights.”

ACRU’s Blackwell: How low will Democrats go on pushing Jim Crow narrative?

Many on the left claim that voting integrity measures, such as voter ID, are throwbacks to the Jim Crow era. Since Jim Crow laws were enacted by Southern Democrats to force racial segregation and block economic and political power among Black Americans, Democrats should know their current claims are preposterous. As the old saying goes, “they have a lot of nerve.”

82 Percent of Arizona Voters Support Election Integrity Reforms: Stronger Voter ID, Voter Roll Cleanup

According to the latest polling of Arizona voters, a sweeping majority support strong voter ID requirements and cleaning up early vote-by-mail lists. A total of 550 voters were polled. 82 percent of them supported voter ID in general, with nearly 64 percent in support of requiring ID verification in order to vote by mail.

ACRU’s Blackwell: Goodbye, Election Day. Hello Corrupt Politicians Act

A notorious bill moving through Congress – H.R. 1 – contains a swarm of bad ideas. But little noticed is a provision that makes Election Day obsolete. We’ve lost so many unifying cultural events that bring Americans together, it is no surprise that H.R.1 not only would start the election weeks earlier, but also prolong the election well after Election Day.

20 States Send Letter to Senate Leaders Promising Swift Consequences if HR1 Passes

Democratic leaders no longer even try to hide their real objectives. All of the bills introduced by Democratic lawmakers of late have been undisguised power grabs.

Democrats Tip Their Hand: Part of Supreme Court-Packing Scheme Is Actually About HR 1

One clear message coming out of a Thursday news conference with congressional Democrats is that their court-packing plan is really about the future of how elections are conducted in the United States.

Another black eye for fraud-prone mail-in ballots; local election thrown out.

What happened in this town was actually a “mini 2020 election,” so it actually speaks to the safety and security of “mail-in” ballots, how they’re counted, the fraud that can happen, and what these crooks are doing at polling stations – everything we wanted to be investigated in 2020.

Leftist Big Tech money uses Georgia as a vote-gathering test case

The far left “non-partisan” organization Center for Tech and Civic [...]

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