Dems make it impossible for Sen. Manchin to support H.R. 4

In June, just days before the U.S. Senate was to vote on Democrats’ federal takeover of elections deceptively named the ‘For the People Act,’ West Virginia’s Senator Joe Manchin drew a red line in the sand. The senator issued a three-page list of policy demands, outlining for the first time his willingness to support key provisions of Democrats’ election legislation. According to Bloomberg, Manchin’s proposed changes constituted “a bid for a compromise on an issue that has put him at odds with the rest of his party.”

2023-03-05T19:49:07+00:00September 9th, 2021|ACRU Commentary, Elections, OPED|

Von Spakovsky: Texas Gets Election Reform Right, Mainstream Media Gets It Wrong

The Texas Legislature passed the state’s election reform package, SB 1, designed to protect voters by fixing vulnerabilities in the registration and election system. This happened only when Democrats finally returned to the state after fleeing to the nation’s capital in May to avoid the special session called by Gov. Greg Abbott.

2023-03-05T19:49:08+00:00September 3rd, 2021|ACRU Commentary, Elections, OPED, Vote Fraud|

Hans von Spakovsky: Texas Democrats’ outrageous claims about election reforms have no connection to reality

Texas Democrats held a press conference on Friday in Alexandria, Va., across the Potomac River from the nation’s capital, to continue their lies about the election reforms being proposed in the special session of the Texas legislature called by Gov. Greg Abbott. The session has been unable to start because they fled the state, denying a quorum in the legislature. As I have already explained in a previous op-ed for Fox News, the misleading and outrageous claims they have made and that they repeated at the press conference about the reforms have no connection whatsoever to reality.

2023-03-05T19:49:11+00:00July 19th, 2021|ACRU Commentary, Elections, OPED, Vote Fraud, Voter ID|

Media Availability: Supreme Court Turned the Tide in Election Integrity War

American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) Policy Board member, Ken Blackwell has written an op ed which explains how the DNC failed to hijack the Voting Rights Act of 1965 when the Supreme Court in Brnovich v. DNC laid a foundation to restore Americans’ confidence in their elections so that everywhere in this nation it can be easy to vote, but hard to cheat.

Blackwell: Supreme Court Turned the Tide in Election Integrity War

Election integrity recently won a pivotal battle against an attempt by Democrats to hijack the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA) for partisan reasons. They failed when the Supreme Court in Brnovich v. DNC laid a foundation to restore Americans’ confidence in their elections so that everywhere in this nation it can be easy to vote, but hard to cheat.

Ken Blackwell Appears on Real American to Discuss Voting Rights Laws

Real America - Dan with Member of the Presidential Commission on Election Integrity & Former Senior Transition Official for President Trump, Ken Blackwell

2023-03-05T19:49:37+00:00June 30th, 2021|ACRU Commentary, Elections, Vote Fraud, Voter ID|

Hans von Spakovsky: Merrick Garland’s misleading voting claims – what AG gets wrong about US elections | Fox News

Partisan, political, designed to inflame. That’s what Merrick Garland’s recent speech on voting rights was. It certainly was not objective, measured and deliberate – the kind of speech you expect from an attorney general. What’s worse, his central assertion – that state efforts to improve the integrity of the election process will make it "harder" for eligible citizens to vote – is demonstrably false.

2023-03-05T19:49:38+00:00June 29th, 2021|ACRU Commentary, Elections, OPED, Vote Fraud, Voter ID|

Effort to federalize voting system is ‘wrong’: Ken Blackwell – [VIDEO]

ACRU Policy Board member Ken Blackwell discusses the dangers of federalizing the election system on Fox News. #EasyToVoteHardToCheat

2023-03-05T19:49:38+00:00June 22nd, 2021|ACRU Commentary, Elections, Vote Fraud, Voter ID|

Von Spakovsky: Another Bill to Give Partisan Bureaucrats Control Over State Election Laws

One of the false narratives constantly pushed by liberals is that the efforts of states to reform and fix vulnerabilities in their election systems are somehow examples of “voter suppression.” Nothing could be further from the truth. Making sure that every eligible citizen is able to vote and that their vote is not lost or stolen through fraud or errors is not voter suppression—it is good governance.

2023-03-05T19:49:39+00:00May 29th, 2021|ACRU Commentary, Elections, OPED, Vote Fraud, Voter ID|

ACRU’s Blackwell: Democrats Pull Hat Trick With Dishonest Voting Rights Bill

Democrats are pushing another federal takeover of elections with the so-called John Lewis Voting Right Advancement Act. This one is a power grab forcing states to get permission from the Democrat-controlled federal government before implementing election integrity measures like voter ID and other constitutional safeguards.

2023-03-05T19:49:39+00:00May 29th, 2021|ACRU Commentary, Elections, OPED, Vote Fraud, Voter ID|
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