Congressional Democrats Remove All Doubt That They Support Vote Fraud

Last minute insertions into the Senate’s Coronavirus relief bill by House Democrats would impose permanent changes to election protocols that will encourage and protect vote fraud. At ACRU, we think it is critically important for all our friends and supporters to understand the seriousness of what is at stake should Nancy Pelosi’s provisions pass Congress.

ACRU Editorial: Bloomberg’s Big Money Shenanigans in Virginia

Writing for RealClearPolicy, ACRU/ACRU Action Fund Senior Fellow Kerri Toloczko identifies Virginia’s 2019 elections as the canary in the liberal coal mine for the November 2020 elections. Michael Bloomberg spent $2.5 million to turn the state blue by instilling fear in voters about lawful gun ownership—and it worked. Kerri notes that liberals are looking to turn the majority of state governments and the White House blue, and Virginia is now pushing an armful of leftist bills through the legislature after their win. Going forward, their VA plan deserves careful scrutiny.

2020-05-03T23:37:13+00:00February 5th, 2020|ACRU Commentary, Front Page, News, Voter ID|
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