Liberal state supreme court gives tacit approval to forgery

On Oct. 23, The Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s (5:1 Democrat majority) ruled that local election officials cannot reject mail-in ballots because the voter’s signature on the ballot does not match the voter's signature on file. This is a boon for ballot harvesters, particularly those operating in senior residential facilities, as they no longer must worry about practicing stolen voter signatures before mailing stolen ballots.

Voters who want to vote in person forced to use Postal Service

The Republican governor of Missouri signed a law in June allowing people receiving mail-only ballots to return them in person, as some voters prefer dropping off ballots instead of standing in line during COVID. It required signature validation. A liberal group sued, and won at the appeals level. Now people who have thought since June that they could hand drop their votes are subject to the whims and inefficiencies of the US Postal Service.

Michigan Governor Whitmer is an executive-level vote fraud activist

With bipartisan support, two vote security measures recently passed the Michigan House and landed on Democrat Governor Whitmer’s desk. She then vetoed these bills - they would make it illegal to request more than one ballot, or to fill out someone else’s ballot without their knowledge. In addition to being a COVID crisis tyrant, she’s a vote fraud enabler. It’s just that simple; and disgraceful.

Postal workers at the center of too many discarded ballot stories

It’s all we can do to keep up with all the stories of eagle-eyed citizens finding discarded absentee ballots in trash cans, ditches, and postal worker garages. The latest, from Kentucky, documents over 100 ballots in a dumpster. These are the ballots that were found—what about the ones that are now in a landfill? Not only can your vote be stolen; it can be discarded. Vote in Person!

California voter rolls used for unsolicited ballots are a complete mess

Since liberal Democrat California Governor Gavin Newsom unilaterally decreed that California would be an unsolicited mail ballot state, the state’s non-partisan watchdog, Election Integrity Project, has sent every notice possible short of carrier pigeon to the Governor and his Secretary of State sharing research that shows mail ballots will go to the moved, the deceased, those over 105 years old, with multiple ballots going to thousands of individuals. They tried again this week, and their findings are disturbing.

Frivolous Ballot Cheatin’ Lawsuit Abuse Lists

If you can’t win an election with votes, you use COVID to pretend people can’t vote in person and try to change rules that make it easier to cheat or mishandle ballots. That is exactly what the American left is doing. As of today, there are 300 court cases in 44 states of liberal groups trying to loosen ID requirements, extend voting, create mail-only schemes. You can use this super simple Stanford-MIT case tracker to find out exactly what you need to be against in your state.

Official who sent ballots to dead people claims it’s their family’s fault

Government has software that can track down you down in an instant if you owe the IRS or didn’t pay a speeding ticket. When a person dies, the funeral home automatically notifies Social Security. But in response to a complaint from Ms. Carolyn Quinn, who received ballots for her two deceased parents, an election clerk in Union County, NY claims the family should have notified her office directly. Arrogance and avoiding responsibility is no friend to vote integrity.

Be On The Lookout issued for missing ballots

58,000 Pennsylvania voters are experiencing the political version of “Who Moved My Cheese?” At first, Westmorland County election officials said they mailed the ballots and blamed slow mail for lack of delivery. Then they said they mailed some of the ballots. This week they claim they are NOW mailing these same ballots. While election officials in too many counties are trying to figure out where your ballot is and what they did with it, we suggest you Vote In Person.

Are organized vote fraudsters now taking interstate road trips?

“Michael Lewis” has been charged for illegally voting in New Hampshire in 2016. He was caught after being arrested afterward without a license and giving a Florida address. Mr. Lewis also voted in Florida and Georgia in 2016. His actual residence is a two bedroom home with 12 (alleged) residents in Georgia. He picked NH—a state where he could walk up and vote with no ID. He’s not the only one. Hawk-eyed NH anti-fraud activist Ed Naile may have poked the tip of a fraud iceberg with a sharp stick.

Liberal governor’s unsolicited ballot fiat creates havoc for voters

New Jersey Democrat Governor Phil Murphy used COVID as an excuse to mail ballots to every address in the state, whether the addressee is alive or dead, or relocated. NJ election officials, overwhelmed by this unnecessary political maneuver, can’t get it right. In Bergen County, officials sent out nearly 7,000 incorrect ballots to 28,000 voters. The officials who made this mistake claim there will be no confusing results. Right.

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