Countering the Lies about Election Reform

The U.S. Supreme Court has pheld Ohio’s election reform law, but liberal courts have struck down voter photo ID laws in other states such as North Carolina and North Dakota and watered down photo ID laws in Texas and Wisconsin. Federal judges also have vacated statutes in Alabama, Georgia and Kansas that permitted states to require proof of U.S. citizenship to register to vote. The media and prominent Democrats cannot hide their delight.

Oregon Registers Thousands Under New ‘Motor Voter’ Law

PORTLAND -- Roughly 68,500 Oregonians have been automatically registered to vote under the state's new "motor voter" law, according to the Associated Press. That's an average 13,700 new voters a month through May, a big jump from the 2,000 per month Oregon typically saw before the automatic voter registration system kicked in Jan. 1. The program automatically registers people to vote when they apply for or renew a driver's license or state ID card, and on Friday state elections officials began rolling out its second and final phase. Phase two involves mailing registration paperwork to another 145,000 residents who interacted with the motor vehicle department in the two years before motor voter went into effect.

2020-05-03T23:36:33+00:00June 21st, 2016|Automatic Registration, News, Voter ID|

California’s Automatic Registration Could Add 2 Million Voters, Study Says

A new study from the Public Policy Institute of California estimates that, if executed successfully, the state's new motor voter law could add more than 2 million new voters to the rolls in its first year of implementation. The new law, slated to take effect next year, is supposed to streamline the way citizens register to vote at Department of Motor Vehicles offices. Once fully implemented, drivers applying for or renewing licenses and completing other DMV transactions will have their information electronically transmitted to the secretary of State, as long as they've confirmed they're eligible to vote and don't opt out of registering. State officials have been saying for months that potentially millions of new voters could be registered under the new law. The PPIC report released Thursday appears to bolster that claim. If the law is a success, the report says, California's electorate could grow to include more Latinos, young people and those with foreign-born parents and lower education levels.

2020-05-03T23:23:46+00:00June 17th, 2016|Automatic Registration, News|

Illinois Governor Eyes Automatic Voter Registration Bill

SPRINGFIELD Illinois lawmakers in both houses have endorsed automatic voter registration. The measure approved 86-30 by the House on May 31 would provide automatic registration for would-be voters visiting certain state agencies, according to the Associated Press: Each person would have a chance to opt out at some point. Senate approval of House changes sent it to Gov. Bruce Rauner, who expressed support but wants to see legislative language. "Supporters say it could expand the franchise to 2 million people. Republicans fear a ploy to gin up Democratic voters. People visiting the Department on Aging or the departments of Human Services, Healthcare and Family Services, Employment Security and the Secretary of State's office could register."

2020-05-03T23:36:33+00:00June 14th, 2016|Automatic Registration, News, Voter ID|

Four Connecticut Republicans Oppose Automatic Voter Registration

HARTFORD -- An agreement between Secretary of the State Denise Merrill and Department of Motor Vehicle Commissioner Michael Byzdra to develop an automatic voter registration system is an unnecessary and expensive proposition. That was the message from four Republican lawmakers who held a press conference in late May at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford to criticize the decision. In response to the U.S. Department of Justice's threat to sue Connecticut for not complying with the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, Merrill and Byzdra inked an agreement to come up with an automatic voter registration system for drivers to use at the DMV when they renew their license. Sen. Michael McLachlan, R-Danbury, said the current paper process has no new implementation costs. It involves making sure drivers are given voter registration cards by an employee at the counter and that those cards are mailed to their respective towns. The memorandum of understanding between Merrill and Byzdra sets forth a two-year process for coming up with an automated way for drivers to register to vote at the DMV.

2020-05-03T23:36:33+00:00June 14th, 2016|Automatic Registration, News, Voter ID|

West Virginia May Permit Auto Voter Signup

CHARLESTON (AP) - A push to automatically sign up voters that began with new laws in Oregon and California will soon likely hit a third, notably less liberal state - West Virginia. The proposed change has taken a less-than-conventional route to the governor's desk. After condemning a Republican voter ID bill as the "voter suppression act," Democrats offered an amendment to include automatic registration when people get driver's licenses or IDs. The Republican-led Legislature accepted it without much resistance. The reception was much cooler on the West Coast - only one Republican in California and none in Oregon voted for similar automatic registration setups. And in New Jersey, Republican Gov. Chris Christie vetoed a similar proposal cleared by Democrats last year. But West Virginia's Republican Senate president had only positive things to say. "If managed properly, automatic registration is a great benefit to our citizens and will encourage more people to go to the polls," said Senate President Bill Cole, R-Mercer.

2020-05-03T23:36:33+00:00March 31st, 2016|Automatic Registration, News, Voter ID|

Fixing Elections, Automatically

By Robert Knight If you think that the politicians who now run our government are bad, how about a system with leaders chosen by people too lazy even to register to vote? That's the goal of leftist groups that are pushing "automatic registration" while opposing common-sense election safeguards like photo voter ID laws and citizenship requirements. The process got going in 1993, when Bill Clinton signed his first piece of legislation, the National Voter Registration Act, better known as Motor Voter. That law mandates ease of registry to vote at state departments of motor vehicles and other government agencies, such as welfare offices. But people still have to bother to sign up. Automatic registration, otherwise known as "universal registration" was adopted in March in Oregon, where Democratic Gov. Kate Brown and the Democratic-led legislature approved the nation's first "opt-out" registration system. On the heels of that victory, progressives in 17 states and the District of Columbia, plus both houses of Congress, introduced similar bills. In June, Hillary Clinton floated the idea of automatically registering all 18-year-olds. California's Democratically-controlled Senate enacted the California New Motor Voter Program on Sept. 10, followed by the House on Sept. 11. Gov. Jerry Brown was expected to sign it. Under the new law, all adult citizens who get a driver's license, renew a license, obtain a state identification card, or file a change of address form with the Department of Motor Vehicles will be automatically registered to vote. As with Oregon's law, people can opt out. For now. Euthanasia-loving Oregon, which is keeping one step ahead of California as a fount for progressive activism on the Left Coast, had already adopted via referendum an all-mail-in ballot system in 1998. Mandating automatic registration is just the latest wrinkle. The next inevitable "reform" - mandatory voting - was mentioned by President Obama last March during a town hall in Cleveland, where he said, "Other countries have mandatory voting. It would be transformative if everybody voted - that would counteract money more than anything." So, people who can't be bothered to register or to vote and don't have even a minimal grasp of American constitutional government would be forced to vote. Qui bono? Obviously, the party that sustains the Free Stuff Army, whose growth to a tipping point could end the American experiment in liberty and self-government. This would certainly qualify as "transformative." The national campaign for automatic registration is led by a group called FairVote, which is funded by left-leaning organizations that include the Ford Foundation, the Herb Block Foundation, the Ms. Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund and George Soros' Open Society Institute. Based in the hippie town of Takoma Park, Maryland, where FairVote led a successful fight to change the law in 2013 to allow 16-year-olds to vote in municipal elections, FairVote is also pushing to destroy the constitutionally required Electoral College and replace it with a National Popular Vote in presidential elections. This would make smaller states meaningless in presidential campaigns (talk about "flyover country") and create a huge incentive for even more vote fraud in major cities like Philadelphia and Chicago, where stuffing ballot boxes is second nature. In addition to advocating a national voting age of 16, FairVote wants "a comprehensive 'voting curriculum.'" Imagine for a moment what will be served up to high school students, who are already immersed in a progressive stew of moral relativism, climate change hysteria, revisionist history, sexual "liberation" and increasingly stringent political correctness. It's not for nothing that SAT critical reading scores have hit their lowest average in 40 years, and the lowest math scores in 16 years. Teachers are too busy brainwashing kids into the New Political Order to bother much with math and English. No wonder the left wants 16-year-olds to vote before they fully develop their cautionary adult natures. For good measure, FairVote also supports the misnamed Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2015, which would undo the Supreme Court's historic Shelby v. Holder decision in 2013 that struck down an outdated portion of the Voting Rights Act (VRA). FairVote employs an outrageous lie, saying that the effect of the Shelby ruling is "stripping the Justice Department of the powers it had for five decades to curb racial discrimination in voting." Nonsense. All the Shelby ruling did was to end the anachronistic system by which Southern states and several other jurisdictions were under special scrutiny of the Justice Department and a D.C.-based federal court panel. The high court noted that Jim Crow was long dead and that the VRA categories were based on now-irrelevant 50-year-old data. Meanwhile, Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act is still "a permanent, nationwide ban on racial discrimination in voting. It bans intentional discrimination as well as discriminatory 'results' based on a court's review of the 'totality of the circumstances' under which it occurred," according to the Heritage Foundation.

Clinton Calls for Sweeping Expansion of Voting Registration

HOUSTON -- Hillary Rodham Clinton on Thursday called for sweeping changes in national voter-access laws aimed at making it easier for young people and minorities to take part in elections, putting her on a collision course with Republicans who say such measures are a political ploy that would lead to widespread abuses. In a speech at a historically black college here, Clinton called for federal legislation that would automatically register Americans to vote at age 18 and would mandate at least 20 days of early voting ahead of election days in all states. Making her most fiercely partisan political speech since her first, failed run for president in 2008, Clinton attacked Republicans for what she characterized as a calculated attempt to turn back the clock on voting rights -- and called out several potential 2016 opponents by name for backing voter restrictions as governors.

2020-05-03T23:38:03+00:00June 5th, 2015|Automatic Registration, Early Voting, News, Voter ID|

Heritage Report: ‘Universal Voter Registration’ Would Cause ‘Chaos’

In a new report, Heritage Foundation scholar Hans von Spakovsky examines "universal voter registration" and finds that it "could significantly damage the integrity of America's voter registration system. The 'voter registration modernization' concept of automatically registering individuals through information contained in various existing government databases would throw the current system into chaos.

2020-05-03T23:37:03+00:00March 28th, 2013|ACRU Commentary, Automatic Registration, Voter ID|

Opinion: The Left’s Ongoing Assault on Election Integrity

Robert Knight: If you think the left is resting on its laurels after Barack Obama's re-election and the Democrats' retention of the U.S. Senate, think again. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., who halted photo ID laws in South Carolina and Texas before the November election, has suggested that the United States should consider adopting "automatic" voter registration.

2020-05-03T23:38:10+00:00December 14th, 2012|ACRU Commentary, Automatic Registration, Voter ID|
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