10th District Legislators: ‘We Must Be Able to Vote In Person’

Things for which we need ID include buying alcohol and tobacco, opening a bank account and applying for welfare programs. Three New Jersey legislators want to change current state law to require photo ID for voting, and we agree — requirements to identify yourself for your most important citizen activity should be a no-brainer. Sometimes bills pass, sometimes they don’t, but they always make a statement.

Thousands of Ineligible Persons Could be Mailed Ballots If Nevada Goes All-Mail in November Election

On July 24th, Nevada’s Election Integrity Project notified Nevada officials of grossly inaccurate voter rolls it uncovered that could undermine the integrity of the state’s election results. Its report includes 10 categories of findings with myriad problems in more than 100K records. As Nevada liberals call for mail-only elections, this group demonstrates why this would be a huge mistake and a field day for fraud.

Award Winning Democrat Just Got Served With A Stack Of Felony Charges

The Democratic Party loves the “unconventional methods” of Michigan party official Sherikia Hawkins so much that they gave her an award. Her methods were so unusual that she was arrested on six felony charges. Hawkins engaged the community in voting by “forging records and falsely marking absentee ballots as invalid” during the 2018 midterm election.

Arizona’s Election Integrity Unit is a role model for other states

Arizona recently upped its game on election integrity with significant improvements to its Election Integrity Unit. These changes include an easy online election fraud reporting system, and aggressive action on any necessary litigation (including a recent double voting case.) We are grateful that Arizona is actively working to prevent fraud, not just waiting to address it after it happens.

2020-07-24T22:25:11+00:00July 24th, 2020|Election Integrity, Front Page, News, Vote Fraud|

Soros Groups’ Vote-by-Mail Drive Aims to Expand Government Control

Liberals have made quick use of the coronavirus crisis to promote all manner of policy prescriptions that, under less dire circumstances, would be ignored or lamented by conservatives. The left’s latest gambit is the George Soros-backed vote-by-mail scheme, which promises an election cycle ripe for fraud.

SCOTUS says “no” to relaxing vote security laws

Alabama has long standing curbside voting rules and identification requirements for absentee ballots that safeguard the votes of its citizens. A group led by the Southern Poverty Law Center demanded these protections be overturned (Covid--the usual excuse) and an Obama appointed state judge agreed. Fortunately, the Supreme Court did not, and Alabama will be able to continue to ensure the integrity of its votes.

State Court says “no” to counting votes after election day

Democrats in Florida recently moved to allow ballots to be counted after election day and make ballot harvesting legal in the state. Florida Republicans sued to block these changes, and won. Democrats are also trying this anti-vote integrity maneuver in Minnesota, and we can expect to see it in other states as they try to change the ballot fraud mantra “vote early and often” to "vote early and often and afterward."

When voting by carrier pigeon no longer sounds outrageous

President and 1968 Wharton graduate Donald Trump’s reelection campaign filed a lawsuit against Pennsylvania’s Secretary of State and County Elections Boards, arguing that Pennsylvania’s use of mail-in ballot drop boxes in the June 2 primary election was unconstitutional and increased the threat of voter fraud.

The Garden State’s foursome of fraud

Next time a liberal tells you there’s no vote fraud (but it’s only Republicans committing it), show them these fellows: Messrs. Jackson, Khalique, Mendez and Kazyen. Not just activists, but two elected officials, all Democrats (not noted in the media, so we checked.) The fraud involved thousands of mailed ballots and one of the races in question was decided by one vote after a recount.

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