Yes Virginia, Aliens Are Registered or Voting… and in Pennsylvania, by the Thousands
Wouldn’t it be nice if just once, some of the people whom Soros pays to tell us that voter fraud doesn’t exist admitted they were wrong?
Wouldn’t it be nice if just once, some of the people whom Soros pays to tell us that voter fraud doesn’t exist admitted they were wrong?
“Virginia election officials don’t seem to care that thousands of [...]
The Kansas Secretary of State and the American Civil Liberties [...]
The lawsuits have targeted about a dozen counties so far in Texas, Florida, North Carolina and Mississippi. And even some cities, such as Philadelphia and Alexandria, Va.
George Soros-funded organizations are trying to rewrite the rules of how elections are run so that it is easier for Democrats and leftists to win.
The U.S. Supreme Court has pheld Ohio’s election reform law, but liberal courts have struck down voter photo ID laws in other states such as North Carolina and North Dakota and watered down photo ID laws in Texas and Wisconsin. Federal judges also have vacated statutes in Alabama, Georgia and Kansas that permitted states to require proof of U.S. citizenship to register to vote. The media and prominent Democrats cannot hide their delight.
As the election nears, you can bet voter identification requirements will increasingly be a major topic of conversation.
ACRU Policy Board member J. Christian Adams explains several ways that the Left is undermining the integrity of the electoral process.
Hans von Spakovsky dispels the myth that voter fraud does not exist by highlighting Virginia examples of voter fraud by noncitizens and actions by state and local election officials not to prosecute violators or follow state and federal laws.
A top appeals court has overturned a federal official’s ruling [...]