Keep the Feds Out of the Voting Booth

The secretary conceded in a recent telephone conference call with state officials that there is no credible threat of a successful cyberattack on the voting and ballot-counting process, despite revelations about recent attacks on the voter-registration systems in Arizona and Illinois.

Virginia Democrats Hiding the Truth about Non-Citizen Registration Fraud

Hans von Spakovsky dispels the myth that voter fraud does not exist by highlighting Virginia examples of voter fraud by noncitizens and actions by state and local election officials not to prosecute violators or follow state and federal laws.

Virginia Democrats Hiding the Truth about Non-Citizen Voter Fraud

Election integrity foes mistakenly tell us voter fraud is a myth. So when legitimate voter fraud is actually discovered, these foes pretend it didn’t happen, fail to take any steps to investigate or prosecute such cases, or, even worse, try to cover it up.

2020-05-03T23:35:34+00:00September 9th, 2016|ACRU Commentary, Proof of Citizenship, Vote Fraud, Voter ID|
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