In Alabama, Vote Fraud Is No Myth

We are constantly told that voter fraud is some made-up pipe dream of racist Republicans hoping to suppress black votes and other folks who Democrats, insulting, imply are incapable of obtaining an ID. We are told that we are "racist" and that there is no such thing as voter fraud! Except there clearly is.'s Mike Cason wrote this: "Less than three months before the June primary, four Alabama counties had more voters on their rolls than what the Census Bureau says is their voting age population."

2020-05-03T23:38:07+00:00April 23rd, 2014|ACRU Commentary, Early Voting, Vote Fraud, Voter ID|

Dick Morris: Ending Electoral College Would End Honest Elections

A plan, now stealthily making its way through state legislatures with astonishing speed, would junk the Electoral College and award the presidency to the winner of the popular vote. The plan involves an Interstate Compact where states would commit to select electors pledged to vote for the national popular vote winner regardless of how their own state voted. When enough states pass this law -- sufficient to cast the Electoral College's majority 270 votes -- it will take effect. The Electoral College will become a vestigial anachronism. So far, nine states and the District of Columbia -- casting 136 electoral votes -- have joined moving half way to the 270 needed to put the compact into effect. The ratifying states are: Maryland, New Jersey, Illinois, Hawaii, Washington, Massachusetts, DC, Vermont, California, and Rhode Island. Urgent: Do You Approve Or Disapprove of President Obama's Job Performance? Vote Now in Urgent Poll Both houses in New York have passed it and its on Governor Cuomo's desk. And, it has already passed one house in: Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Oregon. These states, plus New York represent 107 votes. Combined with the others they are up to 242 votes . They need 270. Who is pushing this? All of those ratifying voted for Obama as did eight of the 10 one-house states. The Movement is funded, in part, by the Center for Voting and Democracy, a George Soros-funded election group.

2014-04-16T17:09:11+00:00April 16th, 2014|ACRU Commentary|

President Obama: Vote Fraud Claims Are ‘Bogus’

At his appearance before Al Sharpton's National Action Network, President Obama called voter fraud claims "bogus" and said his Justice Department has "taken on more than 100 voting rights cases since 2009. " This is a bald faced lie. One need merely click this link at the Justice Department's own website to see it is a lie. The truth is that 39 cases have been brought, not 100, and only 13 relate to protecting minority voting rights - usually foreign language ballot issues. The rest of the cases involve states sending out military ballots (an effort only begun after blistering coverage at PJ Media and elsewhere in 2010).

2020-05-03T23:36:59+00:00April 14th, 2014|ACRU Commentary, Vote Fraud, Voter ID|

Big Win for Electoral Integrity in Arizona, Kansas

In a big victory for election integrity, Arizona and Kansas -- led by their Secretaries of State, Ken Bennett and Kris Kobach -- have obtained an order from a federal judge allowing them to enforce their proof-of-citizenship requirement for voter registration. In a decision issued on March 19, Judge Eric Melgren of the federal district court of Kansas found that the refusal of federal election authorities to add state-specific instructions to the federal voter-registration form notifying residents of Arizona and Kansas that they have to provide proof that they are U.S. citizens to complete their registration is "unlawful and in excess of its statutory authority."

Vote Fraud as ‘Payback Time’

Melowese Richardson is the poster girl for vote fraud. The Ohio poll worker was sentenced last July to five years in prison after being convicted of voting twice in the 2012 election and voting three times -- in 2008, 2011 and 2012 -- in the name of her sister, in a coma since 2003, according to USA Today. This might be below Chicago graveyard standards, but it's still impressive. Ms. Richardson has become a heroine to the left, which is working with its legal arm -- the U.S. Justice Department -- to kill voter photo-ID laws in order to ensure that creative voting continues.

Adams: ‘Toxic Movement’ Accepts Election Crime

The release of a woman convicted of voter fraud for casting ballots six times for President Barack Obama in 2012 is part of a "toxic movement" that accepts "criminal acts in the election" to push a progressive agenda, former Department of Justice lawyer J. Christian Adams charged Tuesday. Adams, whose book "Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department," focuses on alleged racial bias in the U.S. Attorney General's Office, told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV that "anybody who says there's no such thing as voter fraud is a liar." Referring to the case of Melowese Richardson, who served eight months of a five-year term for voter fraud, Adams noted that Richardson was hailed as hero at a rally last week with some fellow Ohio Democrats and civil rights activist the Rev. Al Sharpton after the George Soros-funded Ohio Justice and Policy Center helped lessen her sentence to probation.

2020-05-03T23:38:07+00:00March 26th, 2014|ACRU Commentary, Vote Fraud, Voter ID|

No Federal Charges for Ohio Woman Who Voted Six Times for Obama

Last week Al Sharpton embraced convicted vote fraudster Melowese Richardson at a "voting rights" rally in Cincinnati. The United States Department of Justice under Eric Holder has done nothing to Melowese Richardson 410 days after she admitted on camera that she committed multiple federal felonies by voting six times for President Obama's reelection. Federal law makes it a felony to vote more than once for President. In fact, 42 U.S.C. Section 1973i(e) subjects Richardson to twenty-five years in federal prison for her six votes for Obama. The lack of DOJ action against an unrepentant federal vote fraudster combined with Richardson's lionization by Sharpton and the organization that sponsored the rally demonstrates how the Justice Department is facilitating a culture of brazen criminality on the eve of the 2014 midterm elections.

2020-05-03T23:20:38+00:00March 24th, 2014|ACRU Commentary, Vote Fraud|

Penn. Democrats Caught on Tape Reportedly Taking Bribes to Oppose Voter ID

Pennsylvania Democrats were caught on surveillance tape reportedly accepting cash bribes in return for opposing voter ID in the Pennsylvania legislature. Gifts of Tiffany's jewelry were also given to Democrat legislators from Philadelphia, reportedly in exchange for "NO" votes on a Pennsylvania voter ID bill that passed in 2012. Despite this evidence, Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane has not charged any officials. Kane is a Democrat. Kane's excuse for her inaction? Racism: some of the legislators caught on tape accepting bribes were black Democrats from Philadelphia.

2020-05-03T23:35:16+00:00March 19th, 2014|ACRU Commentary, Voter ID|

Sensenbrenner Caught on Camera Denying Text of Own Voter Law

Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R., Wisc.) told constituents at Wisconsin town halls that voting-rights legislation he is sponsoring does not exclude white voters from the protection of the Voting Rights Act. Sensenbrenner also says he is proud to work with the ACLU and far-left groups to pass the legislation that would resurrect Attorney General Eric Holder's powers to block state election laws such as voter ID or citizenship verification. In a video from Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe, Sensenbrenner also accused Texas and Georgia Republicans of trying to stop minorities from voting.

2020-05-03T23:37:00+00:00March 18th, 2014|ACRU Commentary, Proof of Citizenship, Voter ID|
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