Washington State election expert recognizes looming VBM dangers

“Universal voting by mail is an attractive and easy unconventional warfare target for the creation of election chaos, causing civil unrest and destabilizing society in general.” From personal and professional experience, former deputy prosecuting attorney Barney Waldrop speaks up about the importance of voting in person and the dangers of universal vote by mail.

Another dead voter in New Mexico

It’s not funny, actually. A grieving New Mexico widow visited [...]

2020 Primaries show mail-only voting is anything but safe

According to National Public Radio, the 550,000 absentee ballots not counted in 2018 PRIMARIES is 42% higher than those not counted in the 2016 GENERAL election. Considering the bias of NPR, maybe it’s even worse? When your liberal friends tell you that mail-only voting is safe, secure and counts every vote, just send them this link.

Mail-in vote system in Detroit deemed “a mess” by election officials

In a city (over)run by Democrats for decades, voting in Detroit’s recent primary was utterly corrupted. When 72% of its precincts reported bad vote counts, the State Board of Canvassers called it “alarming.” Liberal Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson has so far ignored concerns. Within Detroit’s 78% African American population, 40% live in poverty, and the unemployment rate is 21%. These citizens need their political voices heard and protected.

Vote fraud is so real in New Jersey it caused a re-vote

A New Jersey ballot harvesting fraud case (perpetrated by candidates facing criminal charges) is costing taxpayers $$$ and the angst of a re-vote. Ballots for this race were also magically found in other towns. Despite this evidence liberals are making the realities of vote fraud a referendum on Trump instead of advocating for vote security.

2022-03-12T15:49:14+00:00September 12th, 2020|Absentee / Mail-in Voting, Elections, News, Vote Fraud|

A shocking admission about institutionalized vote fraud

This story gave us chills. It proves what ACRU and our supporters have noted for months -- vote fraud is not just rampant — but organized. Voting in person is the solution to making sure someone doesn’t slap a strip over duct tape over YOUR vote by fraudulently submitting others. We fear this unprecedented admission of felony vote tampering is just the tip of a very disturbing iceberg. As Lori says, “be a VIP!.”

Mailed absentee ballots stall out in motor city

Elected political liberals have been destroying Detroit since 1962 while overseeing the loss of 64% of its population. This month, mailed ballot counts in 72% of its precincts didn't match the number of ballots cast. “But the Post Office is swimmingly efficient, there’s no vote fraud and we should believe Democrats who tell us they will take good care of our votes,” we sarcastically note.

ACRUs Blackwell: Liberal voting changes put senior votes at significant risk

Nursing homes and assisted living centers where seniors might need to rely on others for voting assistance are where senior votes are at high risk for fraud, according to ACRU Action Board Member and former Cincinnati Mayor Ken Blackwell. Not only have they been targeted by fraudsters in the past, but politically motivated liberals are now trying to remove even more vote security protections.

ACRUs Blackwell: Liberal voting changes put senior votes at significant risk

Nursing homes and assisted living centers where seniors might need to rely on others for voting assistance are where senior votes are at high risk for fraud, according to ACRU Action Board Member and former Cincinnati Mayor Ken Blackwell. Not only have they been targeted by fraudsters in the past, but politically motivated liberals are now trying to remove even more vote security protections.

Encouraging and protecting military votes is a civilian imperative

It is the responsibility of all Americans to ensure the votes of Armed Forces members away from home arrive on time and are properly counted. The time is NOW for service members to register to vote and request an absentee ballot. Registration links are included in the article.

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