Early Voting Disadvantages Seem to Outweigh Benefits
The longer the window of early voting, the greater the effect on lowering turnout.
The longer the window of early voting, the greater the effect on lowering turnout.
A registered voter from anywhere in Pennsylvania could be appointed as a poll watcher in any election district.
It may actually decrease turnout, not increase it. And early voting makes political campaigns more expensive.
Only 1.7 percent of respondents believed that they did not have an adequate photo ID.
The Framers' fears of a "tyranny of the majority" is still very relevant today.
National Popular Vote would make it easier for a "foreign entity" to focus on one big urban center.
"It’s clear the national security rationale for the Electoral College is outdated and therefore it should be retired."
New York County (Manhattan) lists 54 percent more names on voter rolls than people of voting age.
Many of them registered while either applying for or renewing their driver’s licenses.
In the 21-state sample, 15,000 people used prohibited addresses, such as UPS stores or U.S. Post Office boxes.