Report: Soros-Backed Democrat Officials Covering Up Illegal Foreign Voting in Virginia

“Virginia election officials don’t seem to care that thousands of [...]

2020-05-03T23:37:59+00:00October 3rd, 2016|Early Voting, News, Proof of Citizenship, Vote Fraud, Voter ID|

Countering the Lies about Election Reform

The U.S. Supreme Court has pheld Ohio’s election reform law, but liberal courts have struck down voter photo ID laws in other states such as North Carolina and North Dakota and watered down photo ID laws in Texas and Wisconsin. Federal judges also have vacated statutes in Alabama, Georgia and Kansas that permitted states to require proof of U.S. citizenship to register to vote. The media and prominent Democrats cannot hide their delight.

High Court Declines to Stay Ohio Early Voting and Same-Day Registration Case

Bad news for the Ohio Democratic party: On Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a one-line order denying the party’s application for a stay in Ohio Democratic Party v. Husted — the eminently reasonable opinion recently issued by a panel of the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals refusing to overturn changes in early voting and same-day registration rules enacted by the Ohio legislature.

Keep the Feds Out of the Voting Booth

The secretary conceded in a recent telephone conference call with state officials that there is no credible threat of a successful cyberattack on the voting and ballot-counting process, despite revelations about recent attacks on the voter-registration systems in Arizona and Illinois.

Real-Time Election Day Projections May Up-End News Tradition

The plan is likely to cause a stir among those involved in reporting election results and in political circles, who worry about both accuracy and an adverse effect on how people vote. Previous early calls in presidential races have prompted congressional inquiries.

2020-05-03T23:38:00+00:00September 12th, 2016|Early Voting, News, Voter ID|

Illegal Immigrant Tapped for Clinton ‘Dreamer’ Campaign Tied to Soros-Funded Voter Effort

An illegal immigrant who was tapped by the Hillary Clinton campaign for a new effort to register Latino voters is tied to a multi-million dollar voter registration effort funded by George Soros.

2020-05-03T23:36:32+00:00August 21st, 2016|Early Voting, News, Voter ID|
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