ACRU’s Blackwell: The Left’s Hoodwinking of America

In his latest blockbuster piece, ACRU Policy Board Member Ken Blackwell likens the suppression of voice and vote during the Nazi regime to the falsely named For the People's Act, proposed by liberals and awaiting Senate action. It is important that every American understand its dangerous implications and the ease in which it would usher in political corruption and totalitarian one-party rule.

2023-03-05T19:49:49+00:00March 23rd, 2021|ACRU Commentary, Elections, OPED, Vote Fraud|

ACRU’s von Spakovsky: HR1/For the People Act imperils free and fair elections

H.R. 1, the deceptively entitled "For the People Act," has arrived in the U.S. Senate after a party-line vote in the House of Representatives. It is without doubt the most dangerous and irresponsible election bill I have ever seen. If it becomes law, it will interfere with the ability of states and their citizens to determine the qualifications and eligibility of voters, to ensure the accuracy and validity of voter registration rolls, to secure the integrity of elections, and to participate and speak freely in the political arena.

2023-03-05T19:49:49+00:00March 15th, 2021|ACRU Commentary, Elections, OPED, Vote Fraud|

ACRU Actions’s Blackwell: State legislators must defend citizens’ votes

Election protocols and vote integrity are the Constitutional purview of state legislators. As ACRU Action's Amb. Ken Blackwell notes, they must keep our votes secure, especially after liberal judges stole legislative power by green-lighting liberal anti-vote security lawsuits before the election.

There is no freedom without honest vote counting

“World history makes it clear that the final nail in liberty’s coffin for any people is when their political voices are stolen through institutionalized fraud orchestrated by leftist elites and their pawns. When the right to free and honest elections is removed from voters, there is no avenue left to fight for other basic rights. America must never accept vote fraud, and we must rely on our state elected officials to protect this most sacred trust.”

2021-07-17T13:23:34+00:00November 22nd, 2020|ACRU Commentary, Election Integrity, OPED, Vote Fraud|

ACRU Action Board Member Ken Blackwell: Legislators, not jurists, are responsible for vote integrity

“In Pennsylvania, there was a clear violation of Article II of Constitution that gives authority to state legislatures to set the calendar and electoral rules for the state’s voters - not the state judiciary, not the Governor, and not the Secretary of State. In other states, liberal lawsuits waved through by liberal judges usurped the power of the people by dismantling vote security measures passed by their state legislators. This must be corrected, and state legislative bodies must reclaim their authority to protect voters against fraud, political criminals and activist judges that overreach. A recent article from The Federalist, noted below, provides a few simple steps legislators can take to ensure the integrity of the election process.”

ACRU Action’s Ken Blackwell condemns the trail of fraud in the Keystone State

From his experience as the former mayor of Cincinnati and a high ranking Ohio state official, ACRU Action Board Member Amb. Ken Blackwell takes on the corruption and bad intent of PA Governor Tom Wolf and his agenda to nullify votes of the good people of Pennsylvania.

ACRU’s Professor Walter Williams: The Census is not a tool for vote fraud

Noting the obvious — only US citizens can vote in US elections — ACRU Policy Board Member Walter Williams is concerned that, “counting illegal immigrants in the census undermines (the) fundamental principle that every citizen-voter has an equal voice.” It is indeed a dangerous road. Walter references Hans von Spakovky’s work in his article, and we are grateful to have them both on team ACRU.

ACRU’s von Spakovsky: Media ignores vote fraud because they know it’s real

Writing for The Heritage Foundation, ACRU Policy Advisor Hans von Spakovsky calls out the media for its coverup of a giant problem — vote fraud. With examples past and present, Hans makes the case that the media is deliberately ignoring the truth about fraud and vote theft. He identifies outright lies by the media. “Journalists” may try to wish vote fraud away, but the rest of us know better.

2020-11-03T14:42:03+00:00November 3rd, 2020|ACRU Commentary, Election Integrity, OPED, Vote Fraud|

FBI finds 9 discarded Trump military mail-in ballots in PA

ACRU President Lori Roman addresses importance on our Protect Military Votes project after military ballots found discarded in Pennsylvania.

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