ACRU’s Professor Walter Williams: The Census is not a tool for vote fraud

Noting the obvious — only US citizens can vote in US elections — ACRU Policy Board Member Walter Williams is concerned that, “counting illegal immigrants in the census undermines (the) fundamental principle that every citizen-voter has an equal voice.” It is indeed a dangerous road. Walter references Hans von Spakovky’s work in his article, and we are grateful to have them both on team ACRU.

ACRU’s von Spakovsky: Media ignores vote fraud because they know it’s real

Writing for The Heritage Foundation, ACRU Policy Advisor Hans von Spakovsky calls out the media for its coverup of a giant problem — vote fraud. With examples past and present, Hans makes the case that the media is deliberately ignoring the truth about fraud and vote theft. He identifies outright lies by the media. “Journalists” may try to wish vote fraud away, but the rest of us know better.

2020-11-03T14:42:03+00:00November 3rd, 2020|ACRU Commentary, Election Integrity, OPED, Vote Fraud|

FBI finds 9 discarded Trump military mail-in ballots in PA

ACRU President Lori Roman addresses importance on our Protect Military Votes project after military ballots found discarded in Pennsylvania.

ACRUs Blackwell: Liberal voting changes put senior votes at significant risk

Nursing homes and assisted living centers where seniors might need to rely on others for voting assistance are where senior votes are at high risk for fraud, according to ACRU Action Board Member and former Cincinnati Mayor Ken Blackwell. Not only have they been targeted by fraudsters in the past, but politically motivated liberals are now trying to remove even more vote security protections.

ACRUs Blackwell: Liberal voting changes put senior votes at significant risk

Nursing homes and assisted living centers where seniors might need to rely on others for voting assistance are where senior votes are at high risk for fraud, according to ACRU Action Board Member and former Cincinnati Mayor Ken Blackwell. Not only have they been targeted by fraudsters in the past, but politically motivated liberals are now trying to remove even more vote security protections.

Encouraging and protecting military votes is a civilian imperative

It is the responsibility of all Americans to ensure the votes of Armed Forces members away from home arrive on time and are properly counted. The time is NOW for service members to register to vote and request an absentee ballot. Registration links are included in the article.

ACRU Action’s Blackwell notes liberal bad behavior creates vote security risk

"The left and their chosen candidates have provided telling examples of their unwillingness to make ethical choices that protect citizens. Proving themselves willing to violate numerous critical social norms, they are unlikely to be concerned with violating just one more," states Blackwell.

One of These is not Like the Other

There is a critical difference between an absentee ballot and the new notion of universal vote by mail. One is proven and safe, the other is subject to incompetent processing and open to fraud. Voters and elected officials must understand the enormous difference in order to protect the security our elections.

2022-03-13T20:39:17+00:00August 12th, 2020|Absentee / Mail-in Voting, ACRU Commentary, Vote Fraud|

ACRU’s Blackwell: Nursing home vote fraud happens, and is preventable

ACRU Action Board Member Ken Blackwell fearlessly takes on “all the fraud we cannot see” (and the fraud we can) in senior residences. Vote suppression and manipulation in these facilities is real, and a reason why ACRU created Protect Elderly Votes. Warning of union activism, and asking residence executives for help, Ken notes that the votes of our Greatest Generation are a target for fraudsters and we must protect them.

ACRU’s Blackwell: Nursing home vote fraud happens, and is preventable

ACRU Action Board Member Ken Blackwell fearlessly takes on “all the fraud we cannot see” (and the fraud we can) in senior residences. Vote suppression and manipulation in these facilities is real, and a reason why ACRU created Protect Elderly Votes. Warning of union activism, and asking residence executives for help, Ken notes that the votes of our Greatest Generation are a target for fraudsters and we must protect them.

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