ACRUs Blackwell: Liberal voting changes put senior votes at significant risk

Nursing homes and assisted living centers where seniors might need to rely on others for voting assistance are where senior votes are at high risk for fraud, according to ACRU Action Board Member and former Cincinnati Mayor Ken Blackwell. Not only have they been targeted by fraudsters in the past, but politically motivated liberals are now trying to remove even more vote security protections.

ACRUs Blackwell: Liberal voting changes put senior votes at significant risk

Nursing homes and assisted living centers where seniors might need to rely on others for voting assistance are where senior votes are at high risk for fraud, according to ACRU Action Board Member and former Cincinnati Mayor Ken Blackwell. Not only have they been targeted by fraudsters in the past, but politically motivated liberals are now trying to remove even more vote security protections.

Encouraging and protecting military votes is a civilian imperative

It is the responsibility of all Americans to ensure the votes of Armed Forces members away from home arrive on time and are properly counted. The time is NOW for service members to register to vote and request an absentee ballot. Registration links are included in the article.

ACRU Action’s Blackwell notes liberal bad behavior creates vote security risk

"The left and their chosen candidates have provided telling examples of their unwillingness to make ethical choices that protect citizens. Proving themselves willing to violate numerous critical social norms, they are unlikely to be concerned with violating just one more," states Blackwell.

ACRU’s Blackwell: Nursing home vote fraud happens, and is preventable

ACRU Action Board Member Ken Blackwell fearlessly takes on “all the fraud we cannot see” (and the fraud we can) in senior residences. Vote suppression and manipulation in these facilities is real, and a reason why ACRU created Protect Elderly Votes. Warning of union activism, and asking residence executives for help, Ken notes that the votes of our Greatest Generation are a target for fraudsters and we must protect them.

ACRU’s Blackwell: Nursing home vote fraud happens, and is preventable

ACRU Action Board Member Ken Blackwell fearlessly takes on “all the fraud we cannot see” (and the fraud we can) in senior residences. Vote suppression and manipulation in these facilities is real, and a reason why ACRU created Protect Elderly Votes. Warning of union activism, and asking residence executives for help, Ken notes that the votes of our Greatest Generation are a target for fraudsters and we must protect them.

ACRU’s Blackwell: Vote fraud against seniors is real, organized, and preventable

Despite prosecutions and public stories identifying vote fraud activists targeting seniors, many in our media and political class continue to deny that our elderly population can be singled out for vote manipulation and suppression.

The Votes of Military Spouses Are the Heart of Freedom

The political voice of military spouses must be protected. ACRU VP of Policy Kerri Toloczko notes that their ballots must never be lost in the mail or lost to fraud at local polling stations.

ACRU’s Spakovsky: List of proven vote fraud cases continues to grow

The Heritage Foundation keeps a record of proven, prosecuted cases of vote fraud in the United States. In May, the case number reached 1,285. Most cases have numerous fraud victims, making each a force multiplier for stolen votes. In the last ten years, there are have been at least eight cases where a candidate won with fewer than 17 votes - three where the margin was one vote. Vote fraud is real, and it matters.

ACRU’s President Roman: If You Can Go to the Grocery Store, You Can Go to the Polls

ACRU President Lori Roman points out that if Americans are confidently buying food and household goods in every state on a daily basis while using prudent precautions, then why are liberals insisting we can't vote in person? She blows the lid off the mail-only voting scam, calling it out as a potential for massive fraud.

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